When Should You Consider Custom Industrial Heating Equipment for Your Facility?

When you’re on the lookout for a new industrial heating system, odds are you’re probably trying to make a judgment on which appliances you’d like to buy reasonably quickly. After all, every day where you waste your time learning and purchasing, it’s a day that your facility spends working at less than maximum.

Many times, all these decisions need to be taken fast. The need to invest in new equipment also comes suddenly after the existing piece of equipment has collapsed. 

However, modern industrial heating equipment is a costly expenditure. You would like to ensure that you’ve properly considered your options and checked at every significant aspect when you head through the process of selecting new industrial heating systems for your facility.

Industrial administrators responsible for wide fields, such as industrial plants, should remember the following when installing heating equipment:

How much are you spending on the industrial heating equipment right now?

Instead of struggling to overpay your energy bills, it can save your enterprise money to start investigating the various heating systems available today. Modern systems are remarkably powerful and can more than account for themselves after a short amount of time.

The best way to learn about the different systems that are available and how these efficient devices can save your company money is to communicate to the supplier of heating equipment and ask about the cost of a new machine compared to how much you currently spend on heating the factory.

How much Heating equipment is ideal for the capacity of the space?

A business with premium air services should be likely to arrive at your site and assess its scale in relation to the existing air systems. Many factory managers are specialists in their own sectors, but naturally, they are not as educated about air handling systems. That’s why it’s going to save you time and stress if you’re dealing with a heating equipment specialist.

However, make sure to have your own list of concerns, such as the cost-effectiveness of many smaller units relative to a few big units, or whether a rooftop or mobile heating unit is right for your facility

Top things to consider when it comes to buying Custom Industrial Heating Equipment for Your Facility

  1. The efficiency of the Heating equipment 

If you’re thinking about updating the heating equipment of your industry, efficiency is certainly a consideration you should remember. New technologies are now more effective than ever before and can support the plant in a variety of ways, from reduced maintenance prices to reduced running costs to less waste generation.

Effective industrial heating systems consume less power and less electricity than their wasteful counterparts. As a result, you can save your plant capital and replenish our world’s wealth at a slower pace. As these systems work on a wide scale, the energy efficiency of even one industrial heating system may have a huge effect on the use of resources.

  1. Coil Design

If you’re looking for a new Industrial heater or Duct heater, the configuration of the coil is certainly something you’ll want to take into consideration. Many manufacturers of heating equipment make heaters with regular helical coils.

At Bucan, we use serpentine coil technology in our heating equipment. Thanks to our revolutionary coil nature, our duct heaters deliver improved performance, longevity, and reliability.

  1. Film Temperature

One of the most important things to remember when choosing heating equipment is the temperature of the film. While this aspect is extremely significant, many customers do not inquire about the film’s temperature when choosing heating equipment.

They normally look at quality, burner turndown, adjustments, and other factors when determining the range of the industrial heating equipment, but appear to ignore the film temperature.

The film temperature affects the nature of heating equipment required and the lifetime of the heating equipment. This is something that needs to be considered very critically before buying a modern industrial heater.

  1. Maintenance

Maintenance programs and standards for industrial heating systems can vary considerably based on the system you chose to incorporate and the sector in which you operate. When investing in new industrial heating systems, be sure to thoroughly understand the servicing specifications.

  1. New Vs. Used

When searching for industrial heating appliances, you will eventually find the opportunity to buy used machine components. Utilized heating appliances can be substantially cheaper, which can be appealing – especially if you have limited money to work with.

But it can also be a dangerous undertaking and one that we generally recommend staying away from, particularly when you’re searching for the system components that your facility depends on. Still, there is a consideration to remember.

  1. Replacement vs. repairing

If you’re on the hunt for industrial heating supplies, the chances are that a section of the current infrastructure is either on its final legs or that you’ve simply failed. When that happens, it’s important to weigh your options: would you like to pay for a new piece of equipment or would you like to invest in improving the old system?

Often times, investing in a modern industrial heating system makes much more sense from a number of angles than throwing more money into the old system. 


Asking for advice or recommendations on choosing a new piece of heating equipment for your plant? Don’t wait to contact us! We have years of experience in the industrial heater sector and know what operates in the sectors we represent. In addition, our technology is one of the most reliable, effective, and reasonably priced equipment in the marketplace.

Please visit our website to select from our wide variety of items. Or, better yet, contact one of our professional support workers or one of our construction engineers to assist you to find a solution that best suits your requirements.