Monthly Archives: October 2019

Why Hiring a Building Survey Could Be the Best Investment You Make

Are you planning to buy a new home and you aren’t sure whether the asking price is worth it? Or maybe you want to sell your home and you can’t just figure out how much is can be sold for – APT212.

Either way, hiring a building surveyor is the best option for you. And it is good to have the building surveying done before you sign any documents. This will protect you from any problems that might arise in the future. Some of the merits you will get when you hire a professional for building survey include:

Building Surveying Highlights defects

The owner of the building you are intending to buy may just be interested in getting rid of it after discovering that it is defective. If you hire a qualified building surveyor, he will be able to identify these defects and quantify them for you. This will help you to get value for money.

Guidance on maintenance requirements

Your building depreciates with time and requires some maintenance. There are some parts of the building that may end up collapsing if you don’t keep them in good condition. A building surveying report can help you in identifying what maintenance requirements are needed in your house so you can carry them out in good time.

Health considerations

Your health and that of your family are very important. Before you buy a building, you need to find out whether or not it is safe for occupation. You can only do this by hiring a professional building surveyor. The surveyor will advise you accordingly, and if there are any dangerous chemicals like asbestos in the building, he will let you know so you can stop the purchasing process – APT212.

Getting the planning permission

This is applicable if you already own a home and you want to add some structures like extra storage, a stable, or a balcony. The law does not allow you to add these structures without permission from the authority. The process of getting such permission is lengthy and tedious but a building surveyor can help you out. The surveyor will also help you come up with a plan that cannot be rejected.

An ongoing review found that 80% of new homeowners don’t have a building study done before they shift into their new property. Without a whole building survey performed, you could be opening yourself to a lot of issues sometime later.

A building review is a thorough examination of a property, which considers the development and state of a property. A building review will evaluates the building, any out structures on the property, and the grounds.

As a home buyer, you should never overlook the role of building surveying. Once you get a building that you want to buy, getting it surveyed should be your first step. You can also consider hiring a building surveyor when you are the one selling a building. This will ensure that you put the right price tag on your building so it can sell faster – APT212.

Benefits of Good air conditioning

The air which is breathed in is not always the best. There are pollutants and bacterias which are present in the air. Inhaling these could lead to serious health effects. However, the condition of air depends a lot on the season. The summer season is hot but the condition of the air can make you feel either better or worse. The heat of the summer can be good for some people while in many cases, it can be life-threatening.

It is your responsibility to take care of your own health. You can do so by having good air conditioning. There are many companies which are good in aircon servicing. There are a lot of benefits to having a good air conditioner. We have mentioned some of these benefits.

 Life Saver

Heat might seem to be a lifesaver during the winters but during the summer season, it can be a very big reason for concern. There have quite a few numbers of deaths recorded due to heat. In some cases, heat is directly responsible while in some other, heat is also a very big factor which contributes to the bigger problem. The best way is to be safe from this is by installing a good air conditioner. It is the best way of preventing health-related illnesses and deaths.  In a way, it can save your life.

Better quality of air

The work of a good air conditioner is circulating and filtering the air along with removing the molds and pollutants present in the air. This is important for all the people, especially for those patients who are suffering from asthma or allergies. An air conditioner helps to keep your environment clean and cleans up the pollution.

Fewer insects and parasites

Air conditioners have filters which are far more effective than the windows with a screen in terms of keeping out insects and parasites. Insects are annoying for a lot of people but more importantly, they are allergic to a lot of people. They also spread a lot of diseases. Thus. A good air conditioning can keep indoors free from pests.

Work Efficiency

This is one of the most important benefits. It is important to have a good mental state in order to do any work. Extreme heat can make you mentally sluggish and you might not feel very comfortable doing your work.  Scientifically, where you are experiencing heat, your body uses the energy of your body in cooling your body which takes away your thinking and reasoning ability. Air-conditioned rooms are a better place to work and make better decisions.

Better moods

Increased temperature also results in the increase of your heart rates and causing your blood pressure to rise. This all makes your behavior aggressive and can make your mood worse. Good air conditioning will keep your environment cool and you will be able to maintain your mood at all times.


Health is an asset and you must take care of it. These benefits are some of the many benefits of good air conditioning.